10 December 2024 -

93 projects feasible: 31 ready to go, 62 move to voting round

Great news93 out of 122 submitted projects have been assessed as feasible. Out of these, 31 projects are ready to go straight to implementation. There are 62 projects for residents to vote on in early 2025. Starting Wednesday 8 January, you can view all the projects on the Burgerbegroting (Citizens’ Budget) website.

31 projects straight to implementation

31 projects under the theme 'Stronger together' will go straight to implementation. These projects meet all requirements and have been assessed as feasible. The total requested budget is under the €230,000 theme limit, so voting for 'Stronger together' is not needed. The successful project initiators will be informed personally of this great news.

Once again this year, residents have submitted a wide variety of projects to strengthen their neighbourhoods. These include ideas for neighbourhood gatherings with food and drinks, fun activities for children, connecting people across different cultures and ages, improving accessibility of community spaces so everyone can take part, and providing resources to organise local initiatives or keep them running.

62 projects move to voting round

62 projects will go to the voting round because the total requested funding exceeds the available budget for each theme. The projects fall under the themes below.

ThemeNumber of projects
Arts, culture and community associations in the neighbourhood27
Greening the neighbourhood18
Sport and physical activity in the neighbourhood17

Voting: both online and at the closing event


Residents can vote online from Monday 20 January to Sunday 26 January 2025. The voting form will be available on the Citizens’ Budget Maastricht website. You will only need an email address to vote. You may vote for 1 project per theme.

Closing event

A closing event will take place at Stadsbeheer (Ankerkade 275) on Saturday 1 February 2025. Residents are warmly invited to drop in between 09.30 and 12.30. You can take your time to view the projects and talk to the initiators. At the closing event, you may also vote for 1 project per theme.

At the event, you can also take a guided tour of the Stadsbeheer buildings – a unique opportunity to take a look inside. There will also be various market stalls with information on topics such as arts, culture, wellbeing, sport, physical activity and greening.

Projects on website and final result

All projects will be available on the Citizens’ Budget website from Wednesday 8 January. This gives you a chance to read up on the projects you can vote for.

After the closing event on 1 February, all votes will be counted. To promote in-person participation, online votes will count for 40%, while votes cast at the event will count for 60%. The final results will be announced later that afternoon.

Have your voice heard and help make Maastricht a better place!