Citizens' Budget monthly update October
In October, we kicked off the events of round 1. The Maastricht citizens' budget is officially started and residents have chosen the five themes together.
Round 1 completed and themes chosen
During round 1, themes were chosen during four events at different dates and locations in our city. We settled at Athos, MTB, Amyerhoof and Het Ruweel. We look back with satisfaction at the attendance and atmosphere of the events.
The five themes: new meeting places and/or activities in buildings or public space (1), connecting activities (fighting loneliness) (2), everyone participates/boosting participation (3), vacancy and empty sites (4) and greening of parks and streets (5) are chosen.
Visiting Get Involved
In mid-October we visited Get Involved. This is an initiative of Match Maastricht and Maastricht Housing to introduce students to social organisations in Maastricht and the region. Of course team Burgerbegroting Maastricht wanted to be there. In the Student Services Centre we informed students about the citizen budget and the possibilities it offers for their own living environment.

Start of round 2
Always wanted to have 300,000 euros in poker chips in your hands? Round 2 of the citizens' budget will start soon. During two events, 300,000 euros will be distributed among the chosen themes. Residents will jointly decide which theme will receive how much money. Want to participate? Sign up for one of the events!