5 January 2022 -

Citizens' Budget Maastricht postponed to April 2022

Earlier we informed you that the Maastricht Citizen's Budget had been postponed to the first quarter of 2022. The rapid advance of the corona variant Omikron has led to the Netherlands being in lockdown until 14 January 2022. The period thereafter is uncertain.

What does this mean for the Citizens' Budget?

The Citizens' Budget is first and foremost a place for meeting and getting to know each other. With today's knowledge, it is not responsible to meet in January or February in a safe and/or fun way.

Considering the prospects that spring offers us, we have decided to move the citizens' budget further to April 2022. This means that in April we will continue with the events of round 2 (divide the budget between the themes) and the following round 3 (submit projects). The final event of the Citizens' Budget: the voting round (round 4), will then take place in October 2022, after which the chosen projects will be realised.

No further postponements: we are moving on!

We are aware that relocating has an impact on the involvement and the already built up energy. That is why we want to offer clarity to you, citizens who already participated, showed interest or have great ideas.

If it turns out that it is not possible to organise the citizens' budget events in April, we will not postpone it any further. We will then continue partly or entirely digitally.

Keep up to date

Of course we will keep you informed through our website and Facebook. Do you have questions about the Citizens' Budget? Contact us via our contact page, mail us at: burgerbegroting [at] maastricht.nl (burgerbegroting[at]maastricht[dot]nl) or call us at: 043 350 4747.